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- NSN 6930-01-567-2669
NSN 6930-01-567-2669
Simulated Vehicle
FSC: 6930 NIIN: 015672669DODParts.com distributes operation training devices, aircraft parts and consumables, electrical parts, fittings and other components for the aerospace and defense industries. Submit the short price quote form for NSN 6930-01-567-2669 to receive an up to date pricing and availability quote by email.
Product Characteristics
Shelf Life:
Overall Length:
76.000 inches
Overall Height:
30.000 inches
Overall Width:
48.000 inches
Special Features:
The simulated impaired driving vehicle is a battery powered vehicle that simulates the effects of impairment from alcohol or other drugs on a motorists driving skills, the sidne operates in two modes, normal mode when steering, braking and acceleration respond appropriately, in impaired mode the vehicle reacts with delayed steering, braking and acceleration to simulate the effects of an impaired driver, the 5.0 version offers hand over hand turning like an automobile, top speed is 8.0 mph, engineered to prevent rollovers, equipped with two three point retactable seat belts, lcd message readout text message prompts, weight is 300 lbs, power is electric, load limit is 350 lbs
Part Numbers
SIDNE 5.00
Shipping & Handling
HMIRS:No MSDS. No hazardous material.
ESD:No known electrostatic discharge.
Professional Distribution
- ITAR Registered
- DDTC Registered
- HAZMAT Certified
- AS9120 Quality Standards
- 100% Quality Inspections

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