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- NSN 6850-01-625-9203
NSN 6850-01-625-9203
Water Brake Inhibitor
FSC: 6850 NIIN: 016259203DODParts.com distributes miscellaneous chemical specialties, aircraft parts and consumables, electrical parts, fittings and other components for the aerospace and defense industries. Submit the short price quote form for NSN 6850-01-625-9203 to receive an up to date pricing and availability quote by email.
Product Characteristics
Shelf Life:
Part Name Assigned By Controlling Agency:
Inhibitor catapult water brake 5 gallon capacity
Special Features:
Contents: steam catapult water brake corrosion inhibitor // ingredients: sodium nitrite, water // storage: keep container tightly closed and away from combustible material. Avoid freezing temperatures // handling: avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Use personnel protection equipment (ppe) as required
Supplementary Features:
Warning: poison - harmful if swallowed. Can cause irritation //first aid: skin contact - wash affected areas with soap and water x eye contact - flush with water for at least 15 minutes. Report to sick bay x ingestion - if conscious, immediately induce vomiting by giving 2-4 glasses of fresh water. Repeat until vomit fluid is clear. Report to sick bay
General Description:
Inhibitor shall be packaged in an approximately 41% concentration sodiumnitrite as follows: add 22.40 +- 0.20 pounds sodium nitrite and 3.76 +- 0.02 gallons of water to each 5 gallon package container. Mix thoroughly. (see note 9): five (5) gallon capacity, open head, high density polyethylene package container shall meet the requirements of department of transportation (dot) title 49 code of federal regulations of dot title 49 cfr, part 178, subpart m. Lid shall be equipped with re-sealable pour spout
Demand History (Solicitations)
Solicitation | Qty | End Date | Purchase Request | Small Business |
SPE4A615Q1613 | 220 | 02/14/2015 | 0057046679 | 100% |
Part Numbers
Shipping & Handling
HMIRS:Hazardous material. MSDS available in HMIRS.
ESD:No known electrostatic discharge.
Professional Distribution
- ITAR Registered
- DDTC Registered
- HAZMAT Certified
- AS9120 Quality Standards
- 100% Quality Inspections

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