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- NSN 6810-01-616-0178
NSN 6810-01-616-0178
Bromine Standard So
FSC: 6810 NIIN: 016160178DODParts.com distributes chemicals, aircraft parts and consumables, electrical parts, fittings and other components for the aerospace and defense industries. Submit the short price quote form for NSN 6810-01-616-0178 to receive an up to date pricing and availability quote by email.
Product Characteristics
Shelf Life:
End Application:
Analyzer, bromine
Unit Package Quantity:
Part Name Assigned By Controlling Agency:
Bromine standard set
Special Features:
Non-toxic, non-hazardous, not a fire hazard, not regulated for transport, wear gloves during use as dye may stain hands and wash hands after use; protect from cold and freezing, water soluble, no odor, ph is 7, vapor density is less that 1, vapor pressure is 17.50mm hg, boiling point is 100 deg. C, melting point is 0 degrees c., item number 0290-bl is a clear colorless liquid and 0290-st is a clear pink liquid, kit contains 2 bottles, bottle 1 (item 0290-bl) is 100% deonized water and bottle 2 (item 0290-st) is 99.9% deionized water with less than 0.10% pontacyl carmine 2b dye and less than 0.10 kathon preservative;
Demand History (Solicitations)
Solicitation | Qty | End Date | Purchase Request | Small Business |
SPE4A615TLK32 | 6 | 09/30/2015 | 0060535660 | 100% |
Part Numbers
Shipping & Handling
HMIRS:Hazardous material. MSDS available in HMIRS.
ESD:No known electrostatic discharge.
Professional Distribution
- ITAR Registered
- DDTC Registered
- HAZMAT Certified
- AS9120 Quality Standards
- 100% Quality Inspections

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