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- NSN 6685-01-259-9863
NSN 6685-01-259-9863
Temperature Imaging System
FSC: 6685 NIIN: 012599863DODParts.com distributes humidity measuring and controlling instruments temperature pressure, aircraft parts and consumables, electrical parts, fittings and other components for the aerospace and defense industries. Submit the short price quote form for NSN 6685-01-259-9863 to receive an up to date pricing and availability quote by email.
Product Characteristics
Shelf Life:
Part Name Assigned By Controlling Agency:
Infrared imaging system; ir imaging radiometer
Special Features:
Ambient temp range -15 to 50 degrees c; dimensions scanner 8.1 depth by 4.9 width by 4.8 inches height, weight 6.5 lbs; dimensions control unit 10.3 depth by 9.3 width by 5.4 inches height, weight 7.5 lbs; dimensions monitor 12.7 depth by 6.3 width by 4.9 inches height, weight 8.5 lbs; power system 11 to 17 vdc, 10 w; monitor 11 to 15 vdc 15 w; temp ranges 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 degrees c; extended temp ranges 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 degrees c; center temp adjustment range 0 to 400 degrees c; temp readout resolution 3 digits; thermal sensitivi type 0.1 degrees c; extended temp adjustment range 0 to 1000 degrees c; dectector cooling liquid nitrogen; zoom 4: 1 range; field of view 15 degrees v by 20 degrees h
Functional Description:
Used for preventive maintenance and as a tool for trouble shooting; measures temperature differences in infrared images of near room temp objects
General Description:
A microprocessor based system with direct temperature readout and color and black and white display; tv compatible, multipurpose real time infrared imaging radiometer for field and laboratory use; direct temp readout; point temp readout-cross hair; remote focus; automatic emittance and background correction; extended measurement range to 1500 degrees c; setup menu display
Part Numbers
Shipping & Handling
HMIRS:No information in HMIRS. Hazardous material unknown.
ESD:No known electrostatic discharge.
Professional Distribution
- ITAR Registered
- DDTC Registered
- HAZMAT Certified
- AS9120 Quality Standards
- 100% Quality Inspections

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