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- NSN 5340-01-275-4648
NSN 5340-01-275-4648
Electronic Equi Locking Fastener
FSC: 5340 NIIN: 012754648DODParts.com distributes commercial hardware, aircraft parts and consumables, electrical parts, fittings and other components for the aerospace and defense industries. Submit the short price quote form for NSN 5340-01-275-4648 to receive an up to date pricing and availability quote by email.
Product Characteristics
Shelf Life:
End Application:
Tornado acft
Functional Description:
Screw-clamp adjustable, front hold down box mount floating spindle extractor, black box elec equip.
Reference Data And Literature:
Mil-f-85731/2 exc ty k mtg hinge and arinc 600-404a-400-nas
General Description:
Floating spindle extractor; front hold down design; type k mtg hinge w/ doubler strip; 90.7 kg clutching load; 86.65 mm spindle lg; red indi exposed when not under tension; 26.7 mm body dia; 65.53 mm body lg
Part Numbers
Shipping & Handling
HMIRS:No information in HMIRS. Hazardous material unknown.
ESD:No known electrostatic discharge.
Professional Distribution
- ITAR Registered
- DDTC Registered
- HAZMAT Certified
- AS9120 Quality Standards
- 100% Quality Inspections

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